About 2025
Welcome to Psychic & Work’s forecast for “2025” as a spiritual and energetic phase. It explores the key dynamics for this year numerologically and links to the Monthly Observations (so is worth reading with them).
Before we start…
These Observations can offer different perspectives each time you read or hear them. They come as a mix of text and video via Youtube links in a bid to deliver in shorter, schedule-helpful bursts. This is a learning curve so please let Fran know how it comes across (via the Contact page).
Also… What follows relates to this year’s collective chart – i.e. rhythms we’ll all to sense and need to work with. Thoughts, feelings, energies travel. They don’t stay contained and, therefore, can affect every-thing and -body.
If you’d like Fran to read your personal “2025, contact her here.
Access Fran’s Google reviews.
This is the last year in our current “1” to “9” cycle. That began in “2017”. We’ve now, therefore, entered the closing stage of a collective, 9-year chapter. That could heighten the need to sort things. That flags the end of stale views and habits. Last year bore “8” as a birth number which meant connecting into what the future needs and wants. Here comes “9” which is here to prepare self to manifest the visions that dawned in ‘24. From this angle, “2025” comes to help people achieve spiritually balanced goals.
Read a number by looking at the first bit – the topline sum not just the final digit. “2025” is “what” we’re being asked to grow spiritually this year. Through that dynamic, we’ll learn about and begin creating wholistic “9”ness to next level. Only looking at the single, end number can see folk overlooking key elements. There are many ways “9” is arrived at through four digits – e.g. 1008, 405, 2016. Each of those numbers signals the same learning through very different experiences.
So… “202” birthed in “2020” to show us more about relating and positions. Have you noticed that?! “2” denotes the stances self adopts – “mine”, “yours”, other beings. Through this, it flags learning in, with and from outside worlds. “Two-oh-two” says “step out then withdraw to regroup, so as to step out better again”. It signals dosey-do’ing and, through that, a chance to live and deliver at our next spiritual next level. We’ve lived through five years of “202” already and have five more (including this one) to tread.
We’re thus at halfway through a cycle whilst also in the throes of closing a phase off. This year – “9” – as closure – could see you stepping freer, deeper, wider, truer. The “5” in this year’s birth number speaks of growth and new treks. It represents movement; life as an adventure; can do and will; change. “Five” leads self to discover; if others can, “I”/”you”/”we” can too! It speaks of lives adapting, evolving. “5” is a busy phase.
Having just lived “2024/8”, many have learned how to keep going even through life’s been full. There’s heaps more to say about “2025/9”. Fran will post Monthly Updates on Youtube each month which explore other angles of this year. For now….? Click here to hear her compare this year with “2024” or scroll down to learn more about “2025/9”.
There are three main numbers in a being’s profile. Every “thing”, even a year, has a birth chart. The following numbers signal what this year might prompt and what it wants to lead us collectively, consciously and personally towards. From its name and birthdate, “2025”, the following rhythms flow:
Birth Number – what we’ll learn to be, step into and exemplify (again)
M.O. – how we’re likely to do that
Reality Number – the spiritual result of doing such things
At the end of this page, there’s a tally of each number, “0” to “9”, month by month. It could help you prepare and place rhythms as they unfold. Each month will have its own profile on top of this one.
Make sure to revisit these Observations throughout the year. They tend to offer more each time they’re read and could help you stay grounded in the big picture.
This year seeks more “2025/9”
we close off best when we are open to letting life speak
The birth number tells us what we’re about to learn and channel more of as conscious selves. We all pump egoic and spiritual wavelengths. Through this, we grow and live wiser. We can’t kill what’s overly mind or astral and, in fact, don’t need to. They’re here to inform and to be mentored. Everything is choice. Focus births outcomes. Limited self spurs achievement, love, fulfilment – all the good stuff. Numbers denote the spiritual – soul-level – gains that life is now trying to lead humanity towards.
The birth number flags what self’s about to discover, affirm and offer. With or without blinkers, we’ve entered a phase that wants staleness cleared and fresh, (re-)birthing space created. Life helps us all even when we’d rather hide or avoid things. Such is the Divine’s eternal investment. “5” declares, “You CAN be, live, do what you sense/want.” It helps self attain which can need fears, doubts, blocks cleared first. Such is the power of thought and intention. The universe hears them the moment they’re born(e).
We attract what we dread, know and believe in. In manifesting terms, those words mean the same thing. What we pump out, we attract. This year’s come to help us know this to next, doing degree. “9” zones help self reboot in practical ways. More conscious “I” – in self and others – is a huge reason why numbers trigger what they do. “Nine” says, “sit still and observe to deduce stuff” – as in, “get” whatever you need next. All numbers do this but “9”, as final moment, helps us sign off in wholesome ways. “Five” cries, “adapt”, “evolve”, “stretch some” so as to let in the next leg of your life. Can you sense how this year could help you reboot and co-create your vision(s) at new levels?
“Five” is fresh start; the pioneer departing; that part of self that intuitively treks. Such states don’t know the end picture beyond gut level yet. Guided “I” needn’t be a place of delusion. That depends on what one’s tuning into. We’re all walking channels. What’s your frequency? Negative states, including doubt, are flags that a person is listening too much to egoic chatter. Nothing and everything are on the same coin. Tangible fulfilment ain’t beyond reach. Where are you ready to allow a whole new level of wonderful in?
Click here to hear Fran explore “2025” as a “what we will grow into” or continue below to learn “how” and “where” that’s leading to.
Fran’s Clearing Cards® are great for personal and intuitive growth
… and wonderful triggers for clearing! They help people back to spiritual base; back into balance and better aligned with what they sense. We’re energetic beings who tend to work best when we moor in divine frequencies.
There are 80 Clearing Cards® to a box with each one carrying two levels of message. Feedback has been great. It’s amazing what can happen when we choose to truly release. Fran’s Clearing Cards® help people process, learn and clear. If you’d like a set or want to learn more, click to Shop.
We’ll come to embody more “2025/9”ness via “103/4”
know self to break free of model and genuinely express
The following tweaks what Fran wrote last year which also bore an M.O. of “103”. This year, that wavelength will continue to colour, prompt and highlight things. The words below flag how “2025” is here to help our next decade unfold well. When “0” appears in a line-up, we tend to learn more about invisible stuff.
Intuitive, mental and/or energetic moments nudge self into more meaning as a lived, breathed and shared state. “Zero” can represent lack and losing – material, habitual, certainty. A shift in those rhythms can leave self feeling wobbly. The universe only pulls rugs to strengthen awareness, self-knowledge, understanding of life. Yet, sudden shifts can stun; leave “me” in question – why is this happening; what did “I” do wrong? These are logical, human responses. Through inquiry, room is made to become more. “0” is life prompting self to reunite with good guidance to help build great “real world”.
The universe has everyone’s back as a constant, all at the same time. We don’t need to fight over one apple but can forget such things when shifts surprise. You have same value. You’d not be here if you didn’t. Self can forget this when life turns. “0” can see self caught up in the movement out; overly focused on what it seems to be losing. Change can birth grief but self never loses in a wholly permanent sense. It can feel like it, for sure, yet life IS flow towards, in, out and away. Understanding this doesn’t erase losses in the physical.
What new or more, in the process of losing, is life trying to lead us into? Stuff only flows out to make way for new good to come in. That needn’t be read as past wasn’t perfect. We’re lucky if we live a chapter that we love. Nothing’s cemented in forever. Egoic, habitual, assuming self continually forgets this. Things come and go. That’s a “9” lesson. We all know it. That doesn’t mean we get to avoid pain. “Zero” comes to boost understanding. This is easy to write but… lack and loss are “simply” states which come to clear space in order to open us up for new phase.
So… Out of nothing comes every good aspect. “0” flags guidance flowing ‘cos self’s created the space for that. Insights, depths, brand new dawns… We’ve been living with such things for a few years now. Don’t be surprised if somehow, this year, your intuitive side blossoms. “Zero”, in this year’s chart, hints at people learning more about egoic and spiritual life. “3” is “express” – to you, Source, other; discover, realise, get clearer. Guidance is also communication. The “3” and “0” in this year’s M.O. could find you somehow downloading more.
Like “0”, “3” shows people how to live better. Life is a staircase ever upward and onward. Breathe to anchor into gut feel, trust, faith. Source always hears your intentions. As soon as we set sights on a goal, the universe cries, “Game on!”. Guidance then flows re how to hit target. Life starts channelling being towards goal. We don’t always understand why we travel roads as we do but life takes our silent utterings seriously. We’re the deciders from that perspective. The ones who determine where our ships sail. We’re not totally in charge by any means. It’s human to tire every so often.
“Three” flags “creating” and “receiving”. Nurturing you matters. It’s fundamental. How are you existing, holding back, expressing? “3” and “4” come, this year, boost awareness. “2025” could highlight how you feed into the good and/or the “bad”. “Three”, here, asks people to check what they’re projecting as an affirmation and end state. Are you being a healthy, long-term grower? Thoughts, feelings, perceptions shape what comes in. We can’t always control where mind travels. Our silent chatter impacts all that we sense, do, envisage, be.
Within the above lies stuff self’s aware of or not. Life’s shaped by conscious and unconscious themes. We all pump a mix of balanced and not-so. In that sense, we’re equal. “3”, in this sense, is “emit”. It’s also, therefore, what we tune into. We’re witnesses first. How do you take in? Goodness only flows and keeps flowing when we care for every part of any proceedings. “103/4”s focus on growth and co-creating looks sure to nudge old patterns out. As stuckness departs, room is birthed to receive anew. What we say and do matters, of course, yet meaning often lies really in the how we go about that.
Continuing… Essence is birthed or squashed through how we channel. “103” could help you pause, reflect, connect with goodness all over again. Through moment’s pause, we give ourselves and each other a break AND the chance to manifest better over the long-term. Where might you harness these rhythms? Mindsets and vistas – anyone’s – could open big time. There’s a lot happening astrologically also. Don’t be surprised if this year helps you care for life better – all of it – outside and inside; you included. True, spiritual guidance never births states like abandonment, isolation or exclusion.
Lastly…. Egoic “I” is tunnel-visioned. It gets caught up to the point it can’t “see”. Defensiveness, resistance, anger, intolerance are hallmarks of overly “I”, “my”, mind, “me”. Over-thoughtful and -opinionated self can’t see round corners but thinks it does. It’s only through choosing to clear and let go of such rhythms that we make room for the good we know is possible. Use this year to clarify methods, values, nurturing stances, strategies. Listen to gut feel. Let yourself hear what life’s trying to say. Feelings guide truest. If your body says, “Yes”, trust that; test it. Gut feel is guidance. Let it inform.
Go through to Fran’s Youtube channel to hear more about “103/4” and how it’s here to help.
Do you need to clear?
Psychic & Energy Work helps people process energy, issues, mysteries, past lives. Fran just tunes in to make sense of what’s been happening; help you move forward; and release stuck energy. This can help rebalance lives and attract spiritually physical, long-term “more”. To organise a face-to-face, over the phone, via video or email, go through to the Contact page.
This year’s reality number is “2128/4”
we’re due to understand and pass that on
The reality number flags the end states that the birth number and M.O. are trying to lead self to. We all have choice and can, at times, resist this. Here, numerology flags what we’ll embrace and channel as spiritual AND egoic “I”. “2128” speaks of allowing our vision to guide, inform and spiritually speak. Knowledge of self acts as a rudder. Awareness of purpose and path does that, too. When we’re true to ourselves, we tend to step well even if we’re not yet sure where that is physically leading us to.
“4” is the builder as outlined in Fran’s video about this year’s M.O., “103/4”. “Four” can be read as a place of balance. All numbers are but “4” is the base; the launchpad; the place, state and moment that life, as a journey, takes off from. Reality numbers signal where life wants self arriving. Second, week, lifetime – the end point. This year, solidity’s on offer as an empowering and enabling state. This year’s chart wants people ending up in better, healthier, truer reality. “212” is a part of that lesson – we come to stand/exist well having fully read the room.
“Two one two” teaches self to dance better; so does the rhythm “two zero two” (above). “212” flags that genuine, soul self-ness (or not!) needs to be mentored and learned through. “1” flags the spectrum of “I”, “me” “my” as a channelled, actual state. Numbers denote how we will grow AND how creation’s going to shift for long-term, inclusive, all the landscape’s benefit. “1” also flags lessons in emitting adult self; living as example. Breath, witnessing and aiming for healthy group outcomes tend to result in the states every soul wants.
“Eight” asks self to “check your recipes (again)”; “make sure everything is up to par”. It’s a cooking class as many learned last year – does “this” go with “that”?; where is upgrade now required? The “8” in “’25”s reality number says that we’re about to create using what we learned last year. Phases like this tend to feel constructive and empowering. The move of end vibe to the front of a new pattern can feel reinforcing because it asks self to demonstrate newly-born skills. “2025” could give you the chance to put newfound wisdom into practice. That can make whatever unfolds better, truer, realer again.
“Do it with awareness” is a “4” catch-cry. “Four” as the builder wants us all smiling as end result. It seeks “job well done”. Numbers, life, comes to mentor. Don’t be surprised if this year helps you achieve well. “Four” is the path, the goal, the journey; discovering and embedding what’s needed to tread, live, manifest well. In this sense, it is preparation. “9” – this year’s birth number – also signals development on this front. Here, this year’s chart flags a lot of potential for self to get “it” – as concept and delivery – to whole new levels of best fit and right. This speaks of wonderful moments being lived.
Wrapping up about this year’s reality number, don’t forget: “2025” seeks “9”. That is: more compassion; empathy; honouring boundaries; hearing, including, respecting everyone. “9” is “the end” – the current book closing. That can need to happen before new flows in. “2128/4” will reinforce these dynamics in ways that help people build long-term well. Empires could collapse; models might be updated; procedures may be revised. That’s happening already. All numbers point to shifts in landscape – energetic, internal and physical.
Hence and lastly, “2128/4” hints that this year is going to show us all new, value-adding things. “Eyes wider open” could be your end state, day after day, on any level. “4” is self’s plan coming together; the general valuing all for the role each aspect plays. Within this flows reviews, talking, listening – stuff that always helps us end up with best. Herein lies the need to genuinely listen; give self AND other the room to exist, know and share. We don’t need to agree or even like. We do, however, need to share a common landscape. So? Harness this year’s rhythms to achieve in a whole-of-life manner. The last few “years” – decades – have shown how ignoring other never results in long-term gain.
Watch Fran’s final video about 2025 and its reality number. In it, she outlines “13” which “2128” passes through as it reduces “4” and creation’s current phase as a transition.
“2025/9” from the top line?
Below are a couple of tallies – that for the year as a whole, then as a phase by month and number. Examining a chart from this angle helps us understand what’s going on. It doesn’t, in itself, signal “good” or “bad”. What we can find jarring always comes to promote better states and outcomes.
The tally for this year is:
Number | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Frequency | 2 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | – | – | 1 | 1 |
If we then combine this year’s profile with that of each month, the following count results. Every month will see the dance of life shifting. The tally below highlights where that might occur. On top of this lies your personal chart which will add to or soften the dynamics. Now’s a great time to get across your profile, too. Visit Fran’s Get in Contact page to enquire about or organise that.
Use the grey scroll bar below the table to see the tally for later months.
Mth/ No. | J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
0 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
1 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 8 | 6 |
2 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 9 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 7 |
3 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 3 | 5 |
4 | 3 | 6 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3 | 5 | 5 |
5 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
6 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | – | 3 | – | – | – | 2 | 2 | – |
7 | 1 | 2 | 1 | – | 2 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 4 |
8 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
9 | 2 | 1 | – | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Looking above, the numbers of interest are “0”, “1”, “2” and “4” – “two” especially. Is it any wonder that what’s written above relates so much to relating and sharing? What’s your end goal for planet and group life? What does that existence need you to care about? Water, food, air, creatures, landscape…. “Goal” can no longer include self-only-fulfilling outcomes. These are not new claims. We’re all abreast these things. This year’s come to help us live, adopt and live them out more. We’ve entered a phase that’s more about “us” and what we are doing than it has been in centuries. Enjoy this year. It’s going to help us all get to greatness. Sharing makes for better – i.e. longer-enjoyed – realities.
And you personally?
I’ve outlined some of this year’s rhythms but haven’t looked at your profile yet. We each have a chart that stems from our date of birth, full birth name and last birthday. This can provide amazing insights about what’s been happening and what liess ahead. To explore this or to develop intuitively, get in touch (here).
Learn about or buy Fran’s meditation files.
Read what’s been said about this month in Fran’s Monthly Observations.
Purchase your set of Clearing Cards®.
Revisit what was said about last year, last month or earlier in The Archives.
and… get in contact to develop your spiritual, intuitive or numerological skills!
and and…
Visit the Home or Observations pages on or after 15 January to watch Fran’s YouTube Monthly Update.