helping you make sense of all sorts of things

Monthly Observations

for October 2024

Welcome to Psychic & Energy Work’s Observations for “October 2024”.  They aim to help you make sense of things, life, as it unfolds.  Implicit in this is intuition and how it exists to inform you.  Numerology adds amazingly to this when it is used on a spiritual level. 

These Observations can be worth reading with This Year’s forecast

Scroll down for the Observations about This Month;

read about this year;  and/or

visit The Archives to read about last month or earlier.

Would you rather hear the Monthly Observations? order your audio files from the Shop

Psychic & Energy Work offers face-to-face, online, phone and email consultations.  All formats are just as effective.  To book or enquire, get in contact.

ps… call or sms for the promptest reply.

Before we begin….

You may recall…  Last month, I used a mix of words and video to deliver “September”s Monthly Observations.  I’m in a learning curve but suspect that this was a good idea.  So…  This month, I’m sticking with the format.  Please let me know how it comes across.  It’s not set in stone and I’ve love feedback.  Please send it through using the details on the Contact page.  Thanks in advance!

Recapping last month

“September” seemed lighter than previous months.  Did you find this?  It brought eclipses, an equinox and other astrological moves, as well as numerological shifts.  That’s not to say that everything was hunky dory but life brought more space to process, rest and heal.  If you found it life bringing and taking away in more notable ways, well done!

Last month’s chart carried lower “1” and “2” counts; four “0”s; five “3”s; six “4”s; three “7”s and “8”s.  Watch my YouTube snippet about this line-up hereThe chart suggested that people would sense, build and step towards future feeling more robust and with more clarity.  Did you observe this?

Read my full Observations about Last Month in The Archives.

Would you rather hear the Monthly Observations?  order your files here… 

Watch my Monthly Update for last month on youtube.

Get in contact to explore your chart and profile, and how “May” might play out for you.


Each month delivers its own dynamics which interact with the year’s chart.  Checking out the numbers in this respect can help explain what’s going on.  Profiles like this can boost resilience, stamina, confidence, trust in life.  Outlined below are this “October”s key numbers followed by some Observations.

Oh and ps….  It might be worth reading my Observations about This New Year before you continue.  They will reinforce what’s discussed below and, hopefully, add value.  Click here to read them and here if you’d prefer a recording.

This Month’s Chart


each year
in 2023

Birth Number – what we’re here to learn, become & exemplify (again)


M.O. – the rhythms/lessons that will steer us to the birth numb


Reality Number – the spiritual result of doing such things


This “October”s numerological tally….

Combined with the year’s numerological profile, this month produces the following count.  Examining a chart from this angle helps us understand what’s going on.  It doesn’t, in itself, signal “good” or “bad”.  Life often delivers a mix of those wavelengths.  What we can find initially jarring comes to guide us to better end states if we let it.

The tally for this month is:


When a number presents three or more times, its energetic and spiritual themes (and lessons!) tend to increase.  Bear in mind that I haven’t included your personal chart here.  The numbers in that will reinforce the tally above.  Get in contact if you’d like me to explore this with you.  Whilst numerology is only one frame, it can help us make sense of dynamics as they play through. 

Let’s look at how this month could present in your world…..

“10/1” and “2034/9” are this “October”s birth numbers

self-knowing and confidence want to flow through

“10/1” is a powerful rhythm.  It teaches self what it’s made of and how to interact from there.  We learn that, of course, over time, don’t we – even if we start in healthy, solid ways.  “10” can add space and, through that, find us wobbling because life’s not solid enough.  Yet, we’re spiritual beings and, increasingly, expected to integrate with and channel this.  “0” can represent soul on this level. Are you living on that level yet?  This year’s stirred lots up, in part, to help people get to this moment. 

“2034/9” says that, through more realising, we’ll put things to bed a little bit more.  “9” can clean space up; find us finding resting places for every memory, feeling, thought.  It’s spring-cleaning time irrespective of season.  It gets us all ready for future “in”.  We had “9”s last month in prominent parts of the chart.  This month’s profile could help readiness and certainty anchor deeper through you.

Over to the video part of this section, which fleshes out what’s written above….  Click here to hear my Observations about this “October”s birth numbers on youtube.

Psychic & Energy Work Clearing Cards box
Fran’s Clearing Cards® help you connect

Life flows best when we let go of egoic self.  Mind can pull us off-track.  Taking time to reboot makes a difference.  Everything’s linked and explained, assuming we allow that to happen.  Fran’s Clearing Cards® carry two levels of message.  Either or both can help you shift and intuit more. To purchase or read more, go through to the Shop.

This month’s M.O.s are “33/6″ and “136/1”

healing, realising and lessons in attracting continue

The M.O. tells us how life’s about to help self towards the birth number state (above).  It matters as a dynamic because we often learn deepest through how events present.  Every “October” brings “33/6” as the generic M.O.  Specifically, this year, we also see “136/1” visiting this month.

“33/6” is a healing number.  It’s spiritual, potent and about peace.  “6” can represent teaching, serving, caring.  It’s very much a feeling and sensory rhythm.  As a master number, it carries an extra dose of spiritual, energetic vibes.  When it appears, people can experience the invisible world louder.  “3”, you see, can be read as flow.  It teaches us that life is that as a force.  Hence, lessons in how to embrace, go with and observe can heighten in a “33/6” phase.  “Thirty-three also spurs healing.  It wants things digested and known as they are.  Don’t be surprised if this “October” helps you sit back to see, learn, sense in potent ways.

“136/1” takes up the batons of self-ness, discovery and learning curve.  It can be seen as reinforcing the birth number stated and generic M.O. above.  This is partly due to its passing through “10” as “136” reduces to “1”.  Repetition always signals magnification and, therefore, energetic potency.  Hence, this month could strongly project you into new levels of knowing, being, offering.  “6’ can denote genuineness which, of course, is what love needs.  We can’t birth peace if someone is fudging.  How might this month help you become truer again?  “10/1”, “33/6” and “136/1” could help you distil some amazing new creating facts.

I talk more about this month’s M.O.s in Part 3 of my Observations for “October 2024” on youtubeClick here to watch that and let me know if I can help you.

clearings, healings & meditations over video, email or phone

… not to mention readings and other forms of energy work.  Life can presents in ways that stun, often just as we need to stay grounded.  Via phone, video or email, Fran tunes in to help you understand and clear.  Sessions are recorded enabling you to revisit the guidance you’re given. 

To enquire or make a booking, get in contact.

Read Fran’s google reviews here.

“October”s reality numbers are “43/7” and “2170/1”

resilience, forbearance, knowing life at brand new levels

The reality numbers flags the end states we’re due to hit upon, egoically or spiritually.  Self has choice, yes?  Numbers denote our responses, resisting or inclusive.  The reality number is often read as retirement – the end result of whatever we do.  Yet, that moment manifests all of the time.  Life is flow.  The reality number signals the positions, irrespective of timeline, self comes to.

“43/7” is rather lovely.  It speaks of awareness and understanding (“4”) and clarity  and insight (“3”) teaming up to help people become practically wiser (“7”).  All of these digits are mental numbers in a numerological sense.  Don’t be surprised if this “October” helps you step into and channel more cleverness.  “4”, as “prepare”, and “3”, as “allow flow”, could find the next few weeks unfolding as helpful times.  “Seven” is the moment we truly “get” things in a way we never doubt or need to question ever again.

“2170/1” also features “7”.  As such, reinforcement here.  With “0” presenting, we’re being told of another master number here.  The Divine is real – the highest point of Creation – whatever your words for it are.   The more one knows this and allows Source to speak, the more she/he/they tend to intuit spiritually.  “2” can point to lessons in placement: how are you positioning?  Is it as good as can be?  We’re always honing our stances in life.  This “October” could help you get the hang of certain things in a more definite sense. 

Through dynamics of group, relationship and placement (“2”); self and selfness however it comes (‘1”); wisdom, opinion, the mind level (“7”); and silence, lack or space (“0”) life’s about to help people come into their next bigger, better, eyes-wide-open version of “me”.  “1” is a place where difference is valued.  Don’t be surprised if this “October” brings that to you truly, really, meaningfully.

Yes, there’s more on this on youtube!  Click on this link to watch my Observations about this “October”s reality numbers.

What about your chart?

We each have a specific numerological profile that stems from our date of birth, full birth name and last birthday.  I’ve outlined the collective rhythms for this month but have not talked about your personal chart.  Readings that merge numbers with intuitive downloads can help you transition through all sorts of things.  They’re all about soul – living as and channelling it more – and what can occur when we do this. 

Contact to book a session concerning past, present or future, or energetic phenomena;

Organise meditation sessions and files, and audio files;

Buy a set of Clearing Cards®;

Read about last month or earlier in The Archives;

Check out Fran’s courses;

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Click here to watch Fran’s Monthly Update for “September 2024” on youtube.  It supplements the Monthly Observations and, hopefully, helps you.  September’s numerology points to the need to get approaches right – our own, other people’s, our groups.  Life in clusters can come with unwritten contracts and downloads we never signed up to.  This Monthly Update talks about these dynamics and how to clear them energetically.  2024/8 is all about success, remember? Life’s helping us all get to where we’re spiritually and consciously meant to be.

Oh and come back around 16 October to watch Fran’s halfway-through Update for this month!

let goodness be speaking, giving, caring to help life become all it can

contact Fran to learn, get support or ask a question
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