Monthly Observations
for February 2025
Welcome to Psychic & Energy Work’s Observations for this month, “February 2025”. They aim to help you make sense of life as it unfolds. Implicit in this is intuition and how it presents to take care of us all. Numerology adds amazingly to this when it is used on a spiritual level.
These Observations can be worth reading with This Year’s forecast.
Scroll down for the Observations about This Month; and/or
visit The Archives to read about last month or earlier.
Psychic & Energy Work offers face-to-face, online, phone and email consultations. All formats are just as effective. To book or enquire, get in contact.
ps… call or sms for the promptest reply.
Before we begin….
These Observations are a mix of words (here) and video (on YouTube). The hope is that smaller, varied chunks of info are easier to digest. Please let Fran know how you find this.
Recapping last month
“January ‘25”’s chart was loaded. It brought two “10/1”s, “130/4”, three “5”s, three “4”s and four “0”s. The first two digits in that line-up hinted at discoveries which helped self step into more. Life does that on a regular basis although some periods are more invisibly/spiritually hued. If you found last month full-on, you’re doing well.
“Ten-one” calls for more adult, conscious choice. “2025”s start “2025” could have asked you to release drama. “1” is often a time that guides self to its grown-up boots, out of reactivity, over again. That can be triggered by inner or outside worlds, marked by competitiveness or lack of openness. At this part of the “0” to “9” cycle, life often seeks better give-and-take alignment. Underhandedness, immaturity, power plays can manifest louder or more often in “10/1” spheres. That’s even more likely and stronger if two “ten-ones” appear.
Imbalanced self – in “you”, “me” and “other” – unconsciously invites us to choose constructive pathways. That needn’t mean dull or boring. It’s more about strategic thinking; that awareness of the all as we decide. It’s so easy to fall away from that stance in tech-heavy, busy, money-focused realms. Those dynamics are great in balance but easy to overdo. Good outcomes need care and proactive thinking. What have you been observing about this? Last month amplifies this as learning curve to help folk detect, mentor and lower-level release.
We will each interface with these rhythms this year however life needs us to. If your “2025” began by testing mettle, you’re doing brilliantly! Challenge comes to guide us to better positions and go on to create the worlds we know we can. All is choice. Are you tapping into your full scope? This new month will guide us further along such paths.
Hear a little more about last month here.
Watch Fran’s Monthly Update about and from January here.
Read all of her Observations about Last Month in The Archives.
Get in contact to explore your chart and profile, and how this month and year might play out for you.
Each month delivers its own dynamics which interact with the year’s chart. Checking out the numbers in this respect can help explain what’s going on. Profiles like this can boost resilience, stamina, confidence, trust in life. Outlined below are this “February”s key numbers followed by some Observations.
Oh and ps…. It might be worth reading Fran’s Observations about This New Year before you continue. They will reinforce what’s discussed below.
This Month’s Chart
Birth Number – what we’re here to learn, channel & exemplify
M.O. – the rhythms/lessons that will steer us to the birth numb
Reality Number – the spiritual result of doing such things
This “February”s numerological tally….
Combined with the year’s numerological profile, this month produces the following count. Examining a chart from this angle helps us understand what’s going on. It doesn’t, in itself, signal “good” or “bad”. Life often delivers a mix of those wavelengths. What we can find initially jarring comes to guide us to better end states if we let it.
The tally for this month is:
Num | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Freq | 3 | 5 | 11 | 2 | 6 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
When a number presents three or more times, its energetic and spiritual themes (and lessons!) tend to increase. Bear in mind that I haven’t included your personal chart here. The numbers in that will reinforce the tally above. Get in contact if you’d like me to explore this with you.
Let’s look at how this month could present in your world…..
“February” offers birth numbers of “2” and “2027/2”
more lessons in placement: are you sharing space well?
How we stand in landscape matters. “2” phases can check what we offer; how we position; and, therefore, how we come across. Life’s an interesting dance – is your “okay” mine as well? Who’s got the best view on balance? Which opinion counts at the end of the day? Egoic self isn’t inclusive. It doesn’t remember that all is reflection and, therefore, can’t deliver in honest, open or fair ways. It’s over-mind-full; fearful of losing; needing control and guarantees. It loathes any challenge that pops in unannounced. Much prefers sameness and certainty.
A negative response doesn’t always mean something’s wrong. Balance really matters when “2”s visit. This “February”s chart carries two “2” birth numbers. How are you doing at processing stuckness and rigidity – your own and/or not? Boundaries can feature louder in “2” cycles. Healthy ones require self connecting first in spiritual and inclusive vibes. This helps us aim best and hit our targets in a more built-to-last sense. Implicit in this is the letting go of grievance; choosing to release to discover and verify all perspectives. “Release” can be misread as the surrender of value, input or common sense. Spiritually, it never involves such outcomes. It’s “merely” the decision to let go of all tension.
Letting go of build-up on the energetic level helps big picture wisdom flow in. Release work is often marked by the illusion that if “I” let go, “I’ll” lose what “I” need. Spiritual allowing never involves a lowering of value in anyone or anything. “2027” passes through “11” to “2”. This double-one will build upon “January”s themes. “1” is “be adult, leader, goodness”; “ground and centre to really see things as they are”. “Eleven” can see reality explained in ways that can present like a bad hair day at first. “I don’t believe it!” can be self’s response and, with that, the need to push help away. Master numbers boost invisible or unexplained stuff. Through this, life helps us sense and step free from what we’ve been entertaining.
In its purest sense, “1” is the stage self gets to know “me” to next level. Yours or mine, it helps people learn about self as a vibe, being and/or behaviour. It prompts us to mix well having learned things. “2” takes us live with that knowledge. Having gleaned a bit, we’re let out to use and learn further from our sense of self. “Two”, here, is the training wheels chapter – socialisation, group dynamics, finding one’s place. What truly fits as a corner and lifestyle? Don’t be surprised if this month leaves you clearer about these subjects.
“2” can also ramp-up the negatives of group and/or selfness that uses group in dodgy ways. Life might reveal stuff to you along these lines over “February”. Clear and ground well to anchor and remain true to your values, path, core. Intuition’s real. We don’t need to know all to build what’s right. “February 2025” could open doors to sharing and relating in ways that offer more somehow. “2” zones come to help us truly, really, walk our talk. Are you ready to do that yet?
Fran talks more about “February”s “2” dynamics in Part 1 of her Observations about this Month. Click here to watch more on her YouTube channel, Psychic & Energy Work with Fran Davidson.
Fran’s Clearing Cards® help you connect
Life flows best when we let go of egoic self. Mind can pull us off-track. Taking time to reboot makes a difference. Everything’s linked and explained, assuming we allow that to happen. Fran’s Clearing Cards® carry two levels of message. Either or both can help you shift and intuit more. To purchase or read more, go through to the Shop.
This month’s M.O.s are “42/6″ and “145/1”
it’s time for better balance, healing and example-ship
Life’s always asking self to be a great example. That takes good grounding and objectivity. This needn’t see feelings devalued. They, too, inform amazingly. What’s outside you isn’t your creation even though it reflects back. You’ve helped it take form but you’re not source. Being willing to witness and glean anew is so important. It helps self become/remain fully informed. This “February” could prompt you like this; help you realign to sense, embrace and care for the whole. “1”, discussed above, often helps people get their bearings.
“42/6” is about building bridges. Here, the first of this month’s six “four”s presents. Quality-checking is a “4” dynamic. When our layers all line up, life tends to flow better. Moments which help you appreciate more; awareness; understanding are due to bloom. Where can you sense that happening in your world – for you, others, world at large? “4” can see assumptions driving. They set us up for reality checks. That needn’t mean you’re in for a bad month – more, one that enlightens and invites folk to adjust in ways that make great sense.
Approaches, habits, attitudes, customs (“4”) and how people be and react (“2”) will be key in flagging whether your stances are in balance and how, if they do, need to shift. People stuff could flow as a mentoring rhythm, showing you how to interface now. That needn’t mean that you’re less-than-perfect. Every number flags how life’s about to invite us to constructively apply our knowledge and skills. You might end up boosting other people’s awareness; helping them come to or see things anew. “4” is the investor and a time for reaping rewards. This month could see you making a difference in ways you enjoy and thrive in.
The ”5” in “145” hints at flexibility being important in these next few weeks. We had “five”s last month. It’s not a new dynamic. Push and pull helps us stretch as we need. “5” also cries, “breathe, you can do it!”. It’s adventure, innovation, driving great change. “1”, as leader, results from “5”s presence this month. Don’t be afraid to step into the unknown. What really matters is how we focus – are you doing what you need to remain guided by constructive, future-caring energies? Honour that as a non-negotiable first step. We attract whatever we think, fear, believe.
Through the testing of patience, mettle, forbearance (“5”) and excuses to better whatever we need (“4”), this month seems to want to guide individuals to better balance. Implicit in that can be the need to process feelings. Healing, health, equity, fairness are “6” dynamics; as are care, kindness, support. We don’t need to agree. If “February” opens doors to sense, foster or contribute more good, dare to aim and live higher! Don’t hold back!
Fran delves further into this month’s M.O.s in Part 3 of her YouTube Observations for “February 2025”. Click here to watch that and get in contact if you want a reading, mentoring or other forms of energy work.
clearings, healings & meditations over video, email or phone
… not to mention readings and other forms of energy work. Life can presents in ways that stun, often just as we need to stay grounded. Via phone, video or email, Fran tunes in to help you understand and clear. Sessions are recorded enabling you to revisit the guidance you’re given.
To enquire or make a booking, get in contact.
“February”s reality numbers are “44/8” and “2172/3”
life wants us all building well in inclusive ways
Double “4” speaks of super-extra awareness popping to the fore. We hit target better when our eyes are open. “44/8” says that, through such rhythms, we’re due to clarify what success means and needs at our core. A refining of values, approaches, habits could occur this “February”. We can always learn new tricks. “8” is “success” and, as such, the universe telling self it’s valued and here for good reasons. “4” might find you sensing this more; feeling as it life really has your back. “Four”, as the builder, could find you looking forward further and getting organised in amazing ways.
The nice thing about a “4”-heavy chapter is its tendency to help self prepare. “Four” is “get ready”. “Nine” – this year – is “sort things out”. Can you see how this month could help you get great things in gear. This “February”s chart has a nice mix of numbers – active (i.e. doing) and passive (reflecting). That can signal a phase that really helps folk manifest well, now and in future. “4” could boost your awareness of key points. It might even see you helping others “see”. Energy flows best when we’re aware of it. When we choose to release limit, all sorts of things can morph, clear, shift.
“2172” brings us a “7”. Mind-full-ness could feature as a trigger this month. “Seven” denotes wisdom and/or opinion. When we’re firm in our views we can think those two vibes are the same! Humility’s the place where we let go of knowing without rejecting or devaluing it. It’s only when we’re willing to test our views that we give ourselves the chance to sense, birth, attract what’s perfect.
“7”s also the place where we come back to nothing; fully clear mind to see, sense, be more. “Seven” represents universal wisdom and the individual choosing to receive form Source. The universe is real. It’s aware and conversant. It doesn’t need instructions (only humans do). We can easily forget truths like this and fill space in ways that don’t care for goodness, self or balance at all. Where can you let go, this month, of head stuff – just for a moment to see if you’re right? The dare to release all of self in every being is an amazing key to fullness, fairness, success and peace.
Egoic self doesn’t know the above much. It’s far to fearful of things moving. Control needs present when over-mind-full “I” is driving. We can all do, be, present like this. Being human isn’t the issue. Life is a sine wave. So is self in action form. What matters is forgiveness, allowing and observing – fuelled by breath, of course, to help us all get there. “3” is the specific reality number this month – realising, creating, manifesting well. Don’t be surprised if you discover things that help you on these levels.
There’s more about this month’s end states on youtube! Click on this link to watch part 4 of Fran’s Monthly Observations.
What about your chart?
We each have a specific numerological profile that stems from our date of birth, full birth name and last birthday. I’ve outlined the collective rhythms for this month but have not talked about your personal chart. Readings that merge numbers with intuitive downloads can help you transition through all sorts of things. They’re all about soul – living as and channelling it more – and what can occur when we do this.
Contact to book a session concerning past, present or future, or energetic phenomena;
Organise meditation sessions and files;
Buy a set of Clearing Cards®;
Read about last month or earlier in The Archives;
Check out Fran’s courses;
Read some articles; and
Click here to watch Fran’s Monthly Update for “January 2025” on youtube. It supplements these Monthly Observations and, hopefully, helps you. We all label and, through that, build spaces that bloom (or not!). January 2025’s chart speaks of people releasing words that have kept life stuck. In this video, Fran looks at this month’s chart and how our conclusions create our world(s). She outlines how we’re all builders in this sense then offers ways for you to release in a way that helps life positivity reboot/realign.
Come back around 16 February to watch Fran’s halfway-through Update for this month!