helping you make sense of all sorts of things

Common Questions

Below are some common questions about energy work; psychic services; intuitive development; and energetic dynamics.  We can often wonder about such things.  You’ll find more about Psychic and Energy Work on the Services and About pages. 

Click on any question below to read Fran’s response to it.

Questions about energy work:

How are readings done?

Fran tunes in vertically to receive guidance.  She doesn’t use tarot cards but finds birth dates and photos useful.  For more about this, see the next question or visit the About and Services pages.

“Opening up” to channel is a static process.  What happens in session can vary, depending on how and what client presents.  There’s no one way to intuit.  Clients aren’t put through process for process’ sake.  You get a say in where your session focuses.  Questions are welcome.  All sorts of things can be explained.

Click here to watch a short video about readings.
How can Psychic & Energy Work happen if I’m not there?

How a session is conducted varies between practitioners.  Two differentiating factors are how and what we each refer to.  One can reference upwards, out of egoic levels, or towards the client.  Both methods can be effective.  Each shapes the type of guidance that’s passed on.

Fran references vertically to get beyond mental and egoic realms.  An analogy, here, is logging in to the cloud to download information.  Source is continually there as a mentor.  You can be on the other side of the planet and accurate help can still come through.

Fran aims to access the highest level of guidance and help she can.  What comes through can vary between client, subject and day.  She doesn’t seek guidance from just guides or spirit because that can reduce the scope of what’s said.

Like many others, Fran positions herself as a channel of divine will.  Her job is not to interpret or control.  The quality checks occur before she begins.  This helps her deliver what’s received as it comes through, without alteration. 

To explore how Fran can help you, get in contact.
How much information do I need to provide?

You don’t need to provide anything before your session.  Fran asks how she can help as it starts.  Strictly speaking, no initial brief is needed but an initial outline helps everyone aim the same way.  What you share is up to you.  Use your gut feel. 

Questions are best asked at the start of a session.  Fran checks for more as she reads.  When a person holds info or questions back, guidance can also do that.  This, in itself, prompts spiritual healing and development.  Clients are advised to share what they need to.  This releases tension and gives Source the space to do all It can.  

As Fran tunes in, she releases all opinion – the client’s and her own.  Questions are addressed in the order guidance needs, often from spiritually practical angles. 

How can I tell if a reading/session is accurate?

The short answer is: You’ll just “know”.  Your body (gut feel) will say, “that’s it!”  Clients often sense energies shift as the spiritual reasons for what’s happening are revealed.  The other way, of course, is with time (i.e. as life unfolds).  We always help life flow well through breath, exercise and healthy time out.

Never blindly believe what a reader says, especially if your gut feel tells you there is something more.  A reader might be accurate in what s/he’s imparted but that doesn’t always cover every angle.  Messages are not always literal.  They can be symbolic or analogies.  Question and verify as you need to, especially if you feel there’s more to the story. 

How accurate are the timings given in readings?

Some timings are exact; others can move about partly because of the client’s stances during and after the session.  Guidance addresses essential self, not necessarily egoic “I”.  A client can receive an accurate reading then entertain vibes that obstruct what’s been said. 

It’s also worth noting that Source (life) doesn’t always hold to “real-world” deadlines.  Timings can link to spiritual milestones that need to be achieved before things evolve.   They often require clients to embrace certain things.  As such, they can shift in terms of days and dates, while holding to this.  In one sense, it pays to forget timings without dismissing them.  This helps outcomes unfold because we give them the room to.  

The above noted, Fran’s timings are usually reliable.  If there’s a slippage, you’re encouraged to make contact.  It’s great when timings pay-off to the second.  Manifesting well is an outcome best birthed with grace. 

What level of detail is provided in spirit work?

Fran’s skills here aren’t as developed as other practitioners.  She can certainly obtain accurate messages; describe who she’s dealing with; address issues and dynamics; and help clients converse with them.  She doesn’t get names, numbers or dats as a rule..  Her focus is upon the spiritual message.  If you’re looking for that sort of detail, try the Spiritualist network (see more about this on Fran’s Useful Links page).

What’s involved in intuitive development & mentoring?

Psychic & Energy Work runs intuitive development courses at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.  They help you build your skills as they present, rather than insisting that you should intuit in a standard way.  They also answer lots of questions about the world of energy.  

Fran also teaches numerology as a spiritually informative art.  Understanding numbers can enhance our responses to life.  Her courses are relaxed, detailed and grounded, and offer lots of practice.

Fran tends to run one-on-one and small development groups because it lets her mentor every student well.  It creates lots of space to build energetic and intuitive awareness, as well as practise!  You help to determine your class frequency and program length, and can always book in more if you want. 

Psychic & Energy Work offers face-to-face, online or phone-based learning programs.  The first two are preferred but all are effective.  Online classes can be affected by the client’s internet connection.  You’ll learn a lot no matter what the format.  Read more on Fran’s intuitive development pages

Enquire or book here.
Can anyone develop intuitively/psychically/spiritually?

Yes.  It’s just a matter of whether s/he wants to.  Like filling a glass, most of us receive guidance visually, audibly or as feelings.  Some also taste and/or smell.  Intuition can present in a number of ways.  

Intention plays a role in spiritual and intuitive growth.  When a person decides to develop, Source hears that.  Life often helps us learn directly which doesn’t mean things will unfold overnight. 

If you’d like to develop intuitively and don’t know where to start, visit different sites or Fran’s Services or Useful Links pages.

Contact Fran if you have questions.

Questions about energetic phenomena:

How can I tell if what I’m experiencing is real?

Fran works with energetically-sensitive people.  Born one herself, she understands energy well.  The world of energy is very real, albeit not to everyone.  As a first step, read “Life in a World of Atoms” on the Articles page.  It looks at invisible phenomena.  Fran’s other articles could also help you here.

If you have questions, get in contact.
What does death/dying mean in dreams, meditation or intuitive messages?

Unsolicited messages about death and dying can mean a few things.  Messages about actual death come to help self stay grounded as events unfold.  They can also flag the end of a dynamicm phase or pattern.  It’s best to treat such dreams as the latter initially.  Even if actual death is involved, there’s a good, spiritual reason for the warning.

Call, email or sms for help with dreams.

Questions about healing:

Things to consider when you decide to heal and release

Energy work isn’t always enjoyable; some days, it can challenge.  It’s important to consider your support needs.  Counselling, psychotherapy, etc can help us process, grow and heal.  Release work and spiritual/personal development is often enhanced when it’s backed up by health experts.  Energy work affects real life including the thought and feeling levels. 

Whenever you do energy work, set some time aside to process things if you need to.  Dynamics can take a while to release.  Factor this in when you book.  How are you feeling?  Is “it” a doozie?  What amount of room might you need?  It’s not a good idea to stop release work halfway through.  Once a wave starts, it likes to roll. 

Watch a short video about healings.
What does the term “expression” mean in Psychic & Energy Work?

“Expression” on this site doesn’t mean, “say whatever you like”.  We’re here to live considerately.  “Expression” in energy work, flags the need to let all atoms shift as they need to.  It’s about allowing freedom of movement; flow in all areas of life.  When we do this, we tend to help issues and states heal faster.

The first waves, as we energetically release, don’t always reflect what we’re really dealing with.  They can be more egoic in nature and require healthy mentoring.  “Expression” (as it’s used on this site) denotes the value of staying grounded.  It pays to remain in our adult boots.  This helps self constructively channel its responses.

In Psychic & Energy Work, “expression” involves:

  • allowing all ‘atoms’ to shift, 360 degrees;
  • letting thoughts and feelings reveal themselves before you act;
  • sensing whether your expression, to self or others, needs mentoring or support; then
  • sharing what you need to with others.

By approaching release work in this manner, what and how you need to say things tends to come out spiritually enhanced.

Please email if you have questions about energy or intuitive work.
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