helping you make sense of all sorts of things

Spiritual / Energetic Healing

Spiritual healing uses divine energies to clear and realign the client.  The term ‘spiritual healing’ denotes the energy channelled, not religion.  It’s akin to reiki and other modalities, with the practitioner working as guided rather to a set process.  Clients tend to leave a healing session feeling lighter and more balanced.

Spiritual healing can be given at hands-on (touching the body), hands-off or distant level.  It can also come through as a meditation where the client receives from Source directly.  Fran often works at meditative and auric levels.  There is often no need to connect with the physical body.

Clients stay clothed in healing sessions and usually sit upright.  Healings can involve the aura, chakras and other systems, and address issues in real life.  

Here’s a short video about healings.

Fran can work with you face-to-face, online or via phone or email.  All formats are just as effective.  Guidance comes through no matter where you are.

To enquire or organise a session, click here

Here are the types of healings Psychic & Energy Work offers:


Universal energies are channelled to relax and heal you.  This can be done silently or with instructions.  Healings promote a greater sense of connection and spiritual clarity.


Healing can given without touching the client.  Sessions can include a mix of hands-on and hands-off.  Fran steps back to work with divine energies.  This is works well with energetically-sensitive people.


Blockages and illness birth in the aura.  Everything starts energetically.  These healings help shift energies and discomfort in a wholistic sense.


Meditation helps us heal with awareness.  Guided visualisation helps clients heal directly with Source.  These sessions are great for clients who want to learn how to self-heal.


Breath is key in breaking through boundaries, limit, pessimism.  Disconnect from what is “known” to get a wider view of life.  Moving through emotion, using breath, promotes awareness and greater self-knowledge.

Absent/Distant Healing

Spiritual healing can be delivered no matter where the client’s located because it comes from Source, not the practitioner.  This is useful for anybody, anywhere, and uber convenient.

Chakra Balancing

There are 12 major chakras in the human body, each with a front, a back and sides.  There are also others.  Realign them all.  Learn what’s been affecting them.  Open up for spiritual insights.

Skeletal System

Human bones are more than coat-hangers; they’re actually energetic pipes.  Stuff can collect in any part of the body.  Work your bones with other systems or focus upon them.

Meridians & Trigger Points

12 major meridians link the organs, each containing energetic points.  They impact mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health.  Working them intuitively can restore balance.

Kundalini Work

There are two forms of kundalini energy – one fuels the physical body (red); the other divinely guides it (gold).  Learn to connect to kundalini in a way that enhances self, Source and path.

Soul-level Dialogues

Affirm love and loyalty; clarify stances; resolve conflict.  Talking (or listening!) to someone on the soul level can promote breakthroughs.  With this, often comes greater understanding about what’s been happening and what to do with it now.

Expressing the Real Words

Hurt, pain and fear hang around the body until they’re expressed.  Negative thoughts promote tension and illness.  These sessions help you release stuckness, wounds, patterns, situations.

To enquire or organise a healing session, click here.
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