helping you make sense of all sorts of things

Energetic Mentoring

Sometimes, students need to focus in on what’s happening for them specifically.  Here, Fran guides you through what’s presenting and how to work with it.  These forums help you learn how intuitive, energetic and spiritual dynamics present in your life and are brilliant for those seeking clarity.   

There are very clear rules in the world of energy.  We only need to know a few.  Knowing someone’s there can make all the difference.  Energetic mentoring boosts your sense of “I can do it!”  Sessions are shaped by your objectives.  They can be ad-hoc or booked in advance.

Learn a little more about energetic sensitivity.
Visit Fran’s page about substances and energy.

Fran can work with you face-to-face, online or via phone or email.  All formats are just as effective.  Guidance comes through no matter where you are.

To enquire or organise a session, click here

Below are some examples of Fran’s energetic mentoring sessions.

Connecting & Getting Clear
Energetic Analysis & Release

Mental, telepathic and astral energies are totally different from divine guidance.  Learning to distinguish between mind, egoic and spiritual dynamics can be empowering.  It’s a significant step in intuitive growth.  Sessions help to clear what’s unwanted and clarify how to journey well.

Dealing with Projected Energies

Energies travel; so do affirmations.  Mind can project more than it should.  We can all sense and do this on a daily basis.  If you feel bombarded, Fran can show you to clear.

Psychic Self-Defence

It’s common to pick up other people’s ‘stuff’.  Such is life in an energetic world.  Astral dynamics can build over time, affecting self on mental and physical levels.  Learn how to work with such dynamics.  Understand how and why they occur. 

Distilling your Vision: Why Are You Here?

Stuckness and confusion surface when we’re not clear about who we are or why we’re here.  We can always know ourselves, as soul, at new levels.  These sessions help you connect to your bigger picture.

Releasing Fears, Obstacles, Blocks

Fears can stem from this life or past ones.  They may be yours or someone else’s.  These sessions involve readings, healings, visualisation and/or expression.  Face your fears to release from them. 

Manifesting Well / Preparing to Receive

The ability to attract or receive is shaped by our habits and perceptions.  These sessions look at why life’s not flowing and help you position to receive better on any level.  

Overcoming Abuse & Crystallising Boundaries

Needs and boundaries aren’t always respected, often reflecting how self’s suppressing self.  Discover where you are being too open; how to honour boundaries; and clear negativity from your world.

Nurturing & Honouring Self
Giving without Depleting Self

Sacrifice of self, out of balance, can position person as doormat.  Honouring soul is important if we’re to do and be all we can.  Learn how to balance “give and take”, and optimise flow.

Meditation Sessions & Files

Customised or pre-recorded meditations can help you develop and clear.  They’re cost-effective ways to heal and reconnect to divine energies.  Visit the Shop to read more about this. 

Making Sense of Dreams
Dreams that Worry
Restless Sleep, Nightmares
Dreaming Future Events
Dreams of the Deceased / Dying

Some people dream about all sorts of things – themselves, other people, loved ones, fantasy, death.  Dreams can unsettle or inspire, always presenting spiritual information.  They can involve future, present or past dynamics, and/or messages from the deceased.  Nice, turbulent, romantic or scary… these sessions help you understand why and what you dream.

To organise or explore energetic mentoring, click here.
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