helping you make sense of all sorts of things

Monthly Observations

for May 2024

Welcome to Psychic & Energy Work’s Observations for “May 2024”.  They profile this month through spiritual, energetic and numerological frames to help you process what unfolds.  Implicit in this is intuition.  What we sense and witness tries to inform us.  In the thick of things, we can forget this.  Life is constantly pointing to ways through, on and up. 

These Observations can be worth reading with This Year’s forecast. 

Scroll down for the Observations about This Month;

read about this year;  and/or

visit The Archives to read about last month or earlier.

Would you rather hear the Monthly Observations? order your audio files from the Shop

Psychic & Energy Work offers face-to-face, online, phone and email consultations.  All formats are just as effective.  To book or enquire, get in contact.

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Recapping last month

I read, recently, a snippet from Sandeep Virdi about how life’s been helping people purge.  I thought that well put!  If “April” put you through your paces, you were experiencing this for sure!  Last month squeezed and pulled as a chapter.  Life does that to guide us to next best place.  We humans can become so comfy and familiar that we settle too much and end up disengaged – from others, ourselves, our guidance, etc….  usually, in some way, all three!  No matter.  That’s part of being human.  It’s not the fall that matters.  Rather, the recovery. 

Last month’s master numbers guaranteed stretching; a chance to wake up on a level or two.  Implicit in this is discovering stuff.  How are you feeling now you’re in “May”?  Astrologically, last month brought some big events.  Super moons, eclipses, Mercury retrograde teamed up to help folk get clearer.  If you’re feeling lighter and more energised now, it’s no coincidence. 

As mentioned in my Monthly Update last month, “May”s “1”s were low relative to “2”s.  When that occurs, self can feel alone or abandoned.  Life can feel less acknowledging and supportive.  Such moments come to heighten self-awareness; nudge us out of child onto our next wide-awake.  Through the forging, swords become mighty.  Spiritual “I” is incredibly resilient.  This new month could cement what’s been stirred up and feel more stable as it plays through.  More clarity seems to feature.  Scroll down to read about what “May ‘24” might offer you.

Read what I wrote in “April” about last month in The Archives.

Would you rather hear the Monthly Observations?  order your files here… 

Watch my Monthly Update for last month on youtube.

Get in contact to explore your chart and profile, and how “May” might play out for you.


Each month delivers its own dynamics which interact with the year’s chart.  Checking out the numbers in this respect can help explain what’s going on.  Profiles like this can boost resilience, stamina, confidence, trust in life.  Outlined below are this “May”s key numbers followed by some Observations.

Oh and ps….  It might be worth reading my Observations about This New Year before you continue.  They will reinforce what’s discussed below and, hopefully, add value.  Click here to read them and here if you’d prefer a recording.

This Month’s Chart


each year
in 2023

Birth Number – what we’re here to learn, become & exemplify (again)


M.O. – the rhythms/lessons that will steer us to the birth numb


Reality Number – the spiritual result of doing such things


This “May”s numerological tally….

Combined with the year’s numerological profile, this month produces the following count.  Examining a chart from this angle helps us understand what’s going on.  It doesn’t, in itself, signal “good” or “bad”.  Life often delivers a mix of those wavelengths.  What we can find initially jarring comes to guide us to better end states.

The tally for this month is:


When a number presents three or more times, its energetic and spiritual themes (and lessons!) tend to increase.  Bear in mind that I haven’t included your personal chart here.  The numbers in that will reinforce the tally above.  Get in contact if you’d like me to explore this with you.  Whilst numerology is only one frame, it can help us make sense of dynamics as they play through.  Let’s look at how this month could present in your world…..

“May”s birth numbers are “5” and “2029/4”

solidity, “I can”, “life will”

Five “4”s present in this month’s profile.  This number grows solidity long term.  Each year, “May” brings “5” as a generic birth number.  Its specific B.N. also plays a part.  “4” likes to build quality outcomes; bankable goals and strategies.  “Five” says “grow”, “stretch”, “adventure”.  These next few weeks could feel more forward moving. 

After a few months of challenge and reboots, this “May” could find you pulling what you’ve learned together.  “Four” is “awareness”; eyes wider open; self engaged with its path more awake.  In those moments, we can feel we’re engaging with life brilliantly.  It’s nice to step with sureness even if there’s more to do.  In such moments, self often senses it is firmly stepping forward in every sphere.  

Don’t be surprised if this “May” contains noticeable moments like this.  This month could also “just” guide you to such platform.  Even this is a plus.  A month’s profile doesn’t always speak of end results popping Day 1.  It flags what we’re in the process of becoming and making energetically, not just in the physical.  “2029” hints that placement and positioning, as learning curves, are still key.  Throughout this month, you might learn how, where, with whom and when to exist.  That’s a part of this year’s agenda; also life’s generally! 

You know, no magic maze is a waste of time unless we refuse to dance with it.  Yet life can sometimes feel like a villain.  We can get locked into models and stop embracing life as the gift it is.  These last few months have been spin cycles.  It’s no wonder if you’ve felt bruised.  All for good reason, somehow, somewhere.  We help what’s great unfold by holding to our long-term view. 

So…  “May” could see you starting to discover the value of what’s recently (this year) happened.  “Five”, said above, speaks of pioneering; the sense that we’re ready to start a new trek.  Sludge often has to move before new paths open in all the ways they want to and can.  This month’s chart flags it’s time for such things.  “9” helps us conclude so as to, then, move forward brilliantly.  “5” is “I can” and “life will support”.  These next few weeks should find folk feeling more spiritually (truly) connected.  Part of this stems from the “1” and “2” count which was covered in my Monthly Update for “April”.  The tally for those vibes is more even this month so you could feel part of the action and flow again.

Psychic & Energy Work Clearing Cards box
Fran’s Clearing Cards® help you connect

Life flows best when we let go of egoic self.  Mind can pull us off-track.  Taking time to reboot makes a difference.  Everything’s linked and explained, assuming we allow that to happen.  Fran’s Clearing Cards® carry two levels of message.  Either or both can help you shift and intuit more. To purchase or read more, go through to the Shop.

This month’s M.O.s are “12/3″ and “115/7”

more movement and confidence building

“12/3” is a sturdy pattern.  It signals “me” and “you” “creating well” – lessons in this and/or the experience.  It flags, then, a time when self starts feeling firmer about its path.  “Twelve-three” can seem like a home-coming; a phase when life starts to feel normal again.  These last few months have brought huge ground shifts.  People have been invited/guided into new spiritual realms.   

Step by step is the journey.  It rarely unfolds in one swoop.  “May” could, therefore, play out as a bankable space.  Be wary of these words: there are a lot of unknowns about – markets, invisible dynamics, what’s next.  Outcomes aren’t so predictable.  That needn’t mean negative moments.  Solidity births having first realised.  “3” is expression and communication from universe, self, others.  It’s “realising” so dialogues – inner and outer – could take centre stage.  Sharing is another “three” dynamic – physical, verbal, invisible.  What we pump out as energy and action shapes, of course, what then flows through. 

This “May” could leave you more certain about who you are now and where/how next.  This year seeks to help every being attract/create success in a way that suits it well.  We are each here as valued parts of a jigsaw.  Dare to tap into your narratives and guidance.  Through this, we come to lightness and perspective.  From there, we’re equipped to take off on our journey well.  Out of such moments flows clarity and greater conviction re what and how.  “Seven” is a phase when understanding blossoms in a practical (i.e. dependable and useable) manner.  “4” flags “awareness” and “understanding”; knowing as a concept, ready to build good.  “7” is the time we’ve learned all we can in a way that sets self free.   

“Seven” is the wisdom we build with, no more thinking; all questions answered; no doubt or fear.  It also represents “I know ‘cos ‘I’ve lived this pattern fully.  There are no gaps so ‘I’ can embrace life without doubt or anxiety”.  This “May” could see you releasing old ways and beginning your journey’s next leg.  A lot of this month’s chart points to such moments.  Harness it through space, quiet and breath.  The M.O. depicts how we’re about to learn about birth number rhythms and choose (or not!) to channel them spiritually.  We are all divine and eogic “I” as unique bundles.  Everyone channels both levels of being. 

We’re a mix of vibes, then – so is life.  Source constantly asks self to choose anew.  Every second is a fork on our highway.  Optimise next moments by choose the Divine as your guide.  “115” flags more discoveries about self in “me”, “you”, “us”, “them”.  “Self” isn’t just a physical being; it’s also an energetic layer.  We’re transistors (an old word but useful).  We channel what we know and imagine of life.  Source is real, whatever you call It; a generous, supportive, mentoring vibe.  And so much more….  When we truly give It room to exist and express, we often receive and witness more.  “One-one-five” says “be your best ‘me-ness’ and dare other beings to do the same”. 

So, “1” can be a zone that asks us to mentor self-ness simply because we can.  “5” is “potential”; the edge of one’s journey – our outer limits and perceptual boundaries.  It highlights whether we are living that really.  It’s easy to get stuck in same-same.  We’re creatures of habit and, with that, can come staleness, expectation, repetition.  “Five” seeks more.  It stretches limits, not always comfortably.  It’s when life attempts to lead self towards more fulfilment in receiving, giving and experientially. 

Sometimes, growth takes more effort than usual.  The above outlines why “five” chapters can test patience, forgiveness, self’s belief that life is kind.  Yet, through real-world boot camps we often arrive at a firmer end place.  Use this month’s rhythms to help you and others into next, best, whole-of-existence new.  Life – and, therefore, Source – is eternally trying to help us actualise, grow, achieve, fulfil.

So, “May ‘24” could end up wholesome with more “I’m awake and aware”.  The chart indicates a chapter that empowers people to be and do all they can.  From here we build the healthiest future; tomorrows that are sturdy, not just façade.  The last few months have rattled and spun.  This “May” hints at confidence.  It hints that challenge is going to quieten; morph into spheres that breed good growth.  This year, as “8”, also has that as a mission: to help selves tap into and share all they can. 

clearings, healings & meditations over video, email or phone

… not to mention readings and other forms of energy work.  Life can presents in ways that stun, often just as we need to stay grounded.  Via phone, video or email, Fran tunes in to help you understand and clear.  Sessions are recorded enabling you to revisit the guidance you’re given. 

To enquire or make a booking, get in contact.

Read Fran’s google reviews here.

“May” delivers reality numbers “17/8” and “2144/2”

a greater sense of “me” and “my” journey

“8” flags “success” and “recipe tightening”.  What isn’t fitting that needs to go?  “Eight” asks humans to be honest with themselves.  What we attract flows out of what we think, feel, fear, hope.  “7” can signal we’re about to learn this through struggling with mind as a limiter.  It’s easy, some days, to affirm negatively.  That’s egoic self.  It’s the only part of “I” that channels “bad”.  It’s not built to see around corners but often projects and acts like it can. 

When our focus is pulled by busyness and challenge, we can come off-centre and/or fall into troughs.  The trick is to focus beyond the immediate but not because we’re ignoring life.  Let what’s great in, even if you’ve yet to sense it.  Multi-task.  We do this all the time.  This year’s an “8” so “eight”s in this month’s chart speak of self getting better at doing such things.  What we focus on, we grow as an end state.  Hold to your targets of what makes life tick.  “8” can be busy as a chapter.  We can learn amazing things in spin cycles. 

“May”s “4”s and other vibrations suggest that push and pull is about to quieten.  Let’s hope!  It’s often around mid-year that life begins to settle down.  The first half of any chapter tends to highlight the stuff Source wants us to master and now channel/use.  “May”, “June”, “July” can often see people finding their feet again even though they’re only midway.  It often finds folk making sense of what they’ve been struggling with.  While “8” can flag busy, it also promotes constructive play.

“Eight” is also the moment visions clear up; when self senses more about its life’s scope.  People can, therefore, feel more confident about what they can achieve, be, grow.  With that often comes more space to imagine, tap into, plan and do.  “8” is the last action phase of the cycle “0” to “9”.  In this sense, it’s the final moment of creating before we sign-off on our current book.  It can manifest as attainment of a goal or as our completion of another step towards it.  Either way, “eight” wants to inform; flag how self will reach its target.  It informs, clarifies and energises when we let life (Source) in to guide, heal and help.

This month’s specific reality number, “2144”, should help us all do the above.  “Fours”, here again, seek quality outputs.  They denote self’s choice between flimsy/cheap and solid/great.  “4” wants self thinking about what we will all end up in.  It’s a cousin of “8” in a few ways.  Both numbers want long-term stability.  We all know what that means in a “me” sense.  Listen to your inner, spiritual “I”.  Connect regularly to divine wisdom.  None of us is faulty as a receiver.  Your frame of reference matters.  What we choose as the source of our guidance impacts. 

“Four”s also “plan”, “organise”, “prepare”.  See how this also dovetails into “eight”?  Take time, this month, to brainstorm, map and decide.  Such moments are never wasted.  Everything comes together if we long-term, all-of-life let it.  This is also how “May” could help you: busyness pushes self to cement things.  All you need is already there in a yet-to-pop-into-the-physical sense.  Are you making room for it to flow in?  As a co-creator, you’re here to partner with life.  It’s not all down to you.  Pushing hard doesn’t work as a long-term, whole-of-life, fulfilling strategy.  To manifest well, it pays to connect to a Source that’s unconditional, aware, kind and wholistic.  That Being’s real.  It talks, heals and assists even when we don’t think It can/will.  Every being picks up stuff through its senses.  For many, this comes as a visual, a knowing, words and/or feelings.  We’re all intuitive and eternally connected.  Use nature, healthy time out and space to help your potential take form.

What about your chart?

We each have a specific numerological profile that stems from our date of birth, full birth name and last birthday.  I’ve outlined the collective rhythms for this month but have not talked about your personal chart.  Readings that merge numbers with intuitive downloads can help you transition through all sorts of things.  They’re all about soul – living as and channelling it more – and what can occur when we do this. 

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Click here to watch Fran’s Monthly Update for “April 2024” on youtube.  It supplements the Monthly Observations and, hopefully, helps you.  This month, Fran looks at master numbers and the level of “1”s vs “2”s in a chart.  These last two months have seen that ratio high which can see people feeling less included, valued or supported.  Fran then outlines how challenge can see self not fully releasing all it thinks and feels.  How we share with Source influences how we open up for healing and newness.

Come back 15 May and the days just after to watch Fran’s halfway Update for next month.

pull all your sensors in to receive as best you can

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