helping you make sense of all sorts of things

Intuitive Numerology for Beginners

This program introduces people to Phythagorean (Western) numerology and how to work with it intuitively.  The first 12 weeks focus upon the theory, processes and meanings of the numbers, 0 to 9.  The last 3 classes focus in on using numbers as prompts for spiritual guidance.


A series of 1½-2 hour classes every 1 to 2 weeks depending on student needs.

Dates & Times:

please enquire

Size & Cost:

per person
$225 per session inc gst, payable before classes start

Hand-outs are included in the course fee.

Learning Outcomes:

An awareness of:

  • the background of numerology;
  • top-level numerological profiling;
  • the type of information which emerges out of numerology;
  • the guidance implicit in the numerological cycle;
  • the meaning of the numbers, 0 to 9;
  • master & malefic numbers; and
  • how numerology can enhance intuitive growth and energy work.

Understanding and experience in:

  • practically applying Pythagorean numerology;
  • day, date, life and personal year analysis;
  • creating & delivering personal numerological profiles;
  • creating & delivering relationship profiles;
  • profiling people, animals, addresses and/or physical locations;
  • using numerological data in intuitive readings;
  • using master & malefic numbers in intuitive readings; and
  • allowing numerology to enhance intuitive downloads

Course Description:

This Course involves theory and practice, and some intuitive work.  It assumes that students can work energetically.  The focus is upon the meanings of numbers; how to apply that; and using that knowledge as an intuitive prompt.

Given the need to learn some theory, classes can feel more mentally bound especially in weeks 1 to 12.  Students might need to nurture their energy levels, because of this, outside of class.  Around Week 13, the focus shifts and dynamics can lighten. 

Apply for Psychic & Energy Work’s Intuitive Numerology for Beginners.

PS…  Fran also teaches numerology at intermediate and advanced levels.  These are individualised programs.  Email, call or sms if you’re interested

Please get in contact if you’d like to explore learning with Fran.
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