helping you make sense of all sorts of things

Monthly Observations

for April 2024

Welcome to Psychic & Energy Work’s Observations for “April 2024”.  They profile this month through spiritual, energetic and numerological lenses to help you process what unfolds.  Implicit in this is intuition.  What you sense and witness tries to inform you.  In the thick of things, we can forget this.  Life is constantly trying to spiritually help.

These Observations can be worth reading with This Year’s forecast. 

Scroll down for the Observations about This Month;

read about this year;  and/or

visit The Archives to read about last month or earlier.

Would you rather hear the Monthly Observations? order your audio files from the Shop

Psychic & Energy Work offers face-to-face, online, phone and email consultations.  All formats are just as effective.  To book or enquire, get in contact.

ps… call or sms for the promptest reply.

Recapping last month

Was your “March” full?  I seem to ask that every month, such are the times.  I covered this in last month’s Monthly Update.  It might pay for you to watch it.  “March ‘24”s profile was loaded – it carried twelve “2”s, three “7”s, three master numbers.  These elements suggested push, pull, stretch above the norm.  A full moon eclipse added momentum.  I hope yours wasn’t too confronting.  This said, that is their job – i.e. to trigger closure.  Often perceptual, eclipse-driven endings help us receive newness somehow.  If your “March ‘24” was powerful yet helpful long-term, well done! 

Watch Fran’s Monthly Update for March which also discussed these things. 

Life, for some, right now seems more about riding waves than conquering them.  “Two” amplifies interpersonal dynamics.  Those sorts of vibes seem louder this year.  Life’s guiding us all, collectively, to constructive, good-fitting more.  A part of this is facing and working with what’s no longer fit for use.  It may have never been so great really.  We build what we think is best at each time.  Sometimes, that is well thought-through; at others, it’s more of a knee-jerk.  We’re collectively releasing models and customs that are beyond use-by date.  Implicit in that can be illusions melting and having to mentor what’s unaware, unwilling or stuck.  We can all be these things every so often.  Each second brings the chance to be, give, do more in integrity.  We’re only that when we care for/about the all. 

So, “March” came to help selves focus beyond the bits we love, want, need.  What about the other?  “March” brought rhythms that highlighted and targeted this.  We’re practically, actually, kicking in to new age.  Less exclusive “me” is one point of focus.  If you had to act like a marathon runner last month – more than usual? – this may be why.  “2” is about positioning – how we, as single “I”s, stand and merge.  Self, on its own, sets its boundaries, the health of which are confirmed when we step out.  “This is the way we’ve always done it”….  “Trust me, I’m in charge/qualified”….  Recent weeks and months have boosted platforms like these as roads to more wholistic outcomes. 

The old ways are morphing – autocratic, sexist, ageist, etc.  Exclusive “I” still colours and drives lives a lot.  Source wants us all sharing as soul “me”s.  That “I” is big picture, spiritual.  Financials are drawing focus inwards while people dynamics are stretching it.  All of these rhythms, in the same chapter, can promote uncertainty.  Always breath.  It helps issues shape-shift and makes way for divine intuitive help.  This new month is also potent.  Two master numbers, six “3”s and three “6”s flag breakthroughs.  Healing, release, realising, empowerment… awareness, empathy, inclusive “I”.  “April ‘24” could feel forward-moving in a way that clarifies what’s recently played through.  Scroll down to read about “April”s chart below…

Read what Fran wrote in “March” about last month in The Archives.

Would you rather hear the Monthly Observations?  order your files here… 

Watch Fran’s Monthly Update for December on youtube.

Get in contact to explore your chart and profile, and how “November” might play out for you.


Each month delivers its own dynamics which interact with the year’s chart.  Checking out the numbers in this respect can help explain what’s going on.  Profiles like this can boost resilience, stamina, confidence, trust in life.  Outlined below are this “April”s key numbers followed by some Observations.

Oh and ps….  It might be worth reading my Observations about This New Year before you continue.  They will reinforce what’s discussed below and, hopefully, add value.  Click here to read them and here if you’d prefer a recording.

This Month’s Chart


each year
in 2023

Birth Number – what we’re here to learn, become & exemplify (again)


M.O. – the rhythms/lessons that will steer us to the birth numb


Reality Number – the spiritual result of doing such things


This “April”s numerological tally….

Combined with the year’s numerological profile, this month produces the following count.  Examining a chart from this angle helps us understand what’s going on.  It doesn’t, in itself, signal “good” or “bad”.  Life often delivers a mix of those wavelengths.  What we can find initially jarring comes to guide us to better end states.

The tally for this month is:


When a number presents three or more times, its energetic and spiritual themes (and lessons!) tend to increase.  Let’s look at how this month could present in your world…..

“April”s birth numbers are “4” and “2028/3”

“4” helps us ground; “3” steers self to clarity

“4’ likes to build what’s healthy and solid in a permanent, forever sense.  “3” likes to see flow kicking in.  That makes sense, yes?  We grow out of what we think, feel, know, attract.  “Four” also flags the birth of awareness; deeper understanding surfacing somehow.  “Three” does that, too, as a sphere.  It helps self realise.  Be aware, though: “2028” suggests that clarity is due through how we interface with others, world, Source, silence, loss, lack (“202”).  “8”, here, could make life busier – physically, mentally, energetically.  Observed before, this wavelength can heighten the volume of things folk have to work through.

The birth number guides us into our becoming; the next degree of conscious self.  That’s a never-ending staircase such is the universe’s desire.  Life pushes to help us up to our next step, level, etc – an outcome we rejoice in once all stretching’s passed.  Egoic self’s shorts-sighted and now-moored.  This can explain why we can get downcast when challenge comes.  Over-mind-full “I” can get pessimistic, insecure, because its view is limited.  It doesn’t sense too well into the long-term, not in a positive, spiritual way.  This explains why we can get stuck.  Challenge can blot out the ability to sense or remember why tough times occur. 

You might be working through the above themes.  We’re being asked to mentor what’s not right – in us and others – in ways we never have.  Implicit in this can be the sense of hardship; the affirmation that life is unfair.  That’s understandable when life’s tough.  Egoic “I” constantly predicts and projects.  “This shouldn’t be happening” can surface as an ism in ways that pull self down.  Yet, “it/this” is what is actually happening.  There’s no point in not acknowledging and embracing that.  These last few months have been helping people work with the now in ways that enhance.  The key is breath and a focus on divine vibes and our long-term goals. 

Don’t let what’s not soul pull your gaze downward.  Time out matters as a way to reboot all of life.  We receive intuitive help best when we consciously make space for it.  Do you sense how these last few paragraphs link, now, to the first?  Through busy, extreme, wrong, over-the-top, life guides self to a place where it “gets” why everything is going on.  Challenge comes to lead us to our next, best – to outcomes that make sense, feel good, breed life.  There are two types of energy, broadly speaking: that which promotes health and that which doesn’t.  Understanding, peace, calm, balance bloom as felt states when we ground.  Chaos, war, obstinance, arrogance manifest when egoic self’s driving the bus.  What seems right – to you – is perfect but are you feeling, thinking or should’ing it?  Going back to the top (first paragraph) then…  this month could prove really helpful.

“4” seeks top grade, quality, etc.  It fleshes out where frameworks are weak, rotting, redundant.  Perceptions, customs, habits, approaches come under its review when it is heightened.  It aims to audit and get all in order: plans, affirmations, intentions, acts.  Like all other vibes, it wants goodness long-term; not just in our short- or medium-term timeframes.  All vibes help people dive to core to see, heal, process and live in light.  “4”, in this sense, can manifest as rhythms that tighten up any aspect of life.  Just from this angle, good things seem certain – especially if you work with them. 

“3” targets flow.  It’s about creating, attracting, manifesting.  It can flag, therefore, how we position as shapers/determiners of what happens next.  You may sense, here, how it can target, test, enhance what’s thought and felt.  What we pump out on silent, inner level influences what unfolds.  “Three” asks, “what are you promoting, allowing, inviting in, helping to be?”  People can learn heaps about how they contribute and manifest when it visits.  “3”s also flow – the fact that life’s a river that’s wider than any collective requires.  There is more than enough yet some days can feel – and be – loaded with gaps.  Some folk can have to live this path deeply.  A lot of what self grasps is determined by where we place ourselves as channels, feelers, minds, vibes. 

Egoic self is a part of being human.  “April” could help you break-free of “too much”.  “Three”, as “realise”, and “four”, as “awareness”, could help us clarify what really matters (to us).  “8” wants selves clarifying what “success” means at path level – for each “me” as a unique trek.  “How I need to do it” could present strongly as an urge and/or statement.  Such dynamics are presenting all year.  “April” could propel you further down that stream.  No number signals only what we’ll “get”.  They also hint at how life might want us mentoring. 

This year’s a doozie for these sorts of currents.  It’s placing selves more as change agents.  We often arrive at what’s perfect, right, etc through dealing first with what isn’t.  There’s no need to feel down when ego’s winning.  That’s easy to claim when life ain’t full-on!  Egoic self is a gatherer, acquirer; It’s easy to own stuff in a way that drags down.  Difference comes to guide folk get towards better places.  Tough times are a shove to what’s next best.  We don’t always sense/remember this.  Don’t give up.  Pause and breathe first to release and process negatives.  Doing this helps us connect and anchor back in whole truth.  The big picture’s important.  Connecting to Source helps us dance constructively. 

Psychic & Energy Work Clearing Cards box
Fran’s Clearing Cards® help you connect

Life flows best when we let go of egoic self.  Mind can pull us off-track at times.  Taking time to reboot makes a difference.  Everything’s linked and explained, assuming we allow that to happen.  Fran’s Clearing Cards® carry two levels of message.  Either or both can help you shift and intuit more. To purchase or read more, go through to the Shop.

This month’s M.O.s are “29/2″ and “132/6”

truth, healing, self-ness, expression….

“29” passes through “11”.  “1” flags a time when adult’s sought some more.  Implicit in this can be having to deal with egoic, child-ish, over-“me”-indulging self.  Resilience births out of connection.  It’s strongest as a state that we be in, not think.  Breath, again, is key in helping that take shape as a strength, inner knowledge and mooring.  Also is our consciously choosing the level of guidance and vibes we want in life.  Double “one” tends to up the ante.  “3” can be a place where expression ain’t so pure at first.   

The group is another aspect of “two”.  We can all start performing when we’re in public.  Don’t be surprised if you learn through such currents or are invited to influence them.  “1” says, “stay strong”, “be self”, “know self”.  This month could reveal things from whole new angles. “9” sorts things out; brings them to conclusion.  It’s a working-through-things time.  “Nine” also denotes compassion.  Where, in your world, could that grow?  Remember: numbers don’t only flag what we’re due to learn.  They also point to how life places us all to also help others grow. 

Three “2”s in the M.O.s, this month, suggest groups and other beings will feature as dynamics, triggers and learning curves.  “Nine”, you see, marks the end of the cycle.  Where, in your world, are things ready to shift?  We’ve the second of two eclipses mid-month – this one will open new doors up.  Hence, closure and newness are on the schedule.  Look after you in an energetic sense.  Listen to your body.  It’s an intuitive device, not just a physical container.  Honour what you feel, especially having checked it.  These thoughts are strengthened with this month’s specific M.O.  “6” can flag a time for balancing out.  It also represents genuine self-ness – the core-level type.  Costumes abound in day-to-day life.  “April ‘24” could help us release old garb and sense what to now take on. 

“Six” is also peace, harmony.  How might life pull out more authentic you – the self that just is, no matter place, role, crowd, moment?  It’s “me” released from clutter, falseness, model – ready to get on and live its path.  “6”, then, can feel amazing.  It’s a phase that helps us heal, sort, realign.  Can you sense how this month wants this from a number of angles?  “132” is a strong dynamic.  It contains “me”, “you” and “other”, and co-creating.  Those aspects feature in much of what we do – because of this, “1”, “3”, “2” could make life dynamic.  We only really sort via expression.  Nothing fully clears until its fears, needs and wants are aired. 

“Three” can, therefore, help people process; say what they need to others, life, even themselves.  All of this month’s chart highlights the importance of taking time out to clear and refuel.  “11” is the truth as Source sees it.  Implicit in this is more insight.  “Eleven” periods can feel like doo-doo-doo-doo moments (full of full-on and unexpected).  Through this, life helps us let go of rigid frameworks, should’s, projections.  These are what create tension.  It’s the model that usually causes problems.  We assume all the time and through this, often, produce a mono- view of life.  Mine versus yours is a “1” feature.  “One” is self, remember?  With that, comes bias.  It’s a state that sees us all forgetting that we’re not all the same nor do we need to be.  So?  One size fits all, as an attitude or method, could get overhauled as “April” passes through. 

We’re each here to be unique on a globe filled with sorta same.  Where’s life about to show you how to better channel along these wavelengths?  “1” is “I” as a well-adjusted human who doesn’t doubt or traumatise.  It’s a state that allows all to co-exist as same value at same time.  “One” is a mind that knows that we’re each a different piece in life’s jigsaw puzzle.  There’s no need to hoard, undermine, lie, kill.  Only egoic self needs to do that.  Now’s a great time to dive into your fears and convert them into isms that add value.  “One” is a place that doesn’t need to push to sell.  It knows what it can do and engages as that in truth. 

“1”s no fuss, real, straightforward because it knows those vibes make for right results.  It is, therefore, genuine (felt and known) confidence.  “Just let me at it to value add” – it’s adult, grown-up, mentor, leader in all of the ways we thrive in and like.  Through healing and expression, self-awareness and certainty, this month wants to help us manifest more of the birth number vibes – solidity, good flow, understanding, the ability to build on great moorings.  Here, too, it looks as if we’re in for an eye-opening and enabling “April”. 

How to harness such states?  Honour your needs and sensations.  Listen to your body if it says you need more calm.  Stop, as a routine, to “smell the roses”.  Refuel with what’s life-sustaining in a physical, spiritual and energetic sense.  This is when we let ourselves become our best version of self-ness.  “2024” is wanting eyes and minds open; ready to sense where we can birth a new that we celebrate.  We each have a role in this.  Embrace that, this month, however you can.  We’re at the cusp of whole new chapters.  Do what you can to make your world honestly great.

clearings, healings & meditations over video, email or phone

… not to mention readings and other forms of energy work.  Life can presents in ways that stun, often just as we need to stay grounded.  Via phone, video or email, Fran tunes in to help you understand and clear.  Sessions are recorded enabling you to revisit the guidance you’re given. 

To enquire or make a booking, get in contact.

Read Fran’s google reviews here.

“April”s reality numbers are “33/6” and “2160/9”

potent healing, pausing regrouping and sealing off whatever needs

“33/6” is a master number.  It’s one of the most sensitive vibes.  That is, a number that really senses.  “Thirty-three” can pick stuff up without even trying.  As such, it’s intuitive – notably more than many other vibes.  This adds to thoughts above about insights being on their way this month.  In one sense, “33” acts as a barometer.  If something is off-centre, “thirty-three”s the one it tends to play through.  “3”, as expression, can become heightened with people opening up and/or blurting stuff out.  

You’ll sense the above reinforcing Observations made earlier.  “33/6” is also a healer.  It magnifies stuff so as to reach this goal.  “Six” can denote love, care, kindness, teaching, serving, helping good cause.  Even here, this “April” looks certain to help people sort things out.  The joy of that is the opening of space; more room to let full future in.  As manifesters and affirmers, we often reduce flow.  Our thoughts, feelings, intentions shape how next seconds play out.  As we release what we’ve gathered – good, bad, indifferent – flow comes back into fullness again. 

As energetic beings, it’s easy to become stuck, full, overloaded.  Master number zones always flag a time when Source will make Itself re-known.  They’re spiritual times – more than usual – the type that show self energy is real.  Invisible worlds are easily dismissed in day-to-day reality yet they drive and shape all that unfolds.  We are, as a collective, only/really starting to learn this.  “April ‘24” could teach you how to affirm, know, be a channel and magnet for positivity.  Flow tends to mirror our inner-chatter.  Where can yours shift into wider, future-nurturing?  What we affirm acts as instruction.  At times, the universe shows us how that can limit and attract what comes. 

The more we connect as spiritual beings and live as channels, the better we tend to manifest.  “2160/9” carries vibes we’ve already looked at.  “Nine”, as the end number, says this month’s the end of a phase.  We’re due to feel more sorted and ready for what’s next by end-“April”.  “9”, again, flags compassion.  This month could help you sense, realise and empathise to deeper levels.  Implicit in this is care about your “I”, not just every other self/thing.  They matter, too, but you come first as your own energetic being.  Lived spiritually, we position as equals.  Yes, we affect but only can control ourselves.  Get that right as a focus this month by pulling your sensors back in.  By centring and connecting to Source firmly, you’ll help yourself ensure you do, be share the right things.  Sharing and manifesting well is, spiritually speaking, all about this. 

Lastly….  Models can encourage us to focus outwards and spending too much energy influencing out.  When we ground in soul, truth and peace, we will achieve that same job.  So?  Know and heal self first.  Forget the outside world around you while you come back to balance.  This will reconnect you to the big picture in ways that fill gaps and answers questions.  It enables us, too, to step out squarely, firm in what we’ve intuited.  By releasing all self, mind, tension, negative and fear, we make room for light.  This is when we live as channels, emitting what we’ve sensed and wisdom that’s valued.  Every other being and part of life will sense this.  Through this it will work out how close it wants you. 

Lastly, lastly….?  Like attracts like.  Forget what you don’t want.  Let it go from grasp in a way that lets it slip free now.  Don’t be surprised if this month really helps you sort and work through stuff.  Trust your gut feel.  Listen to it.  It’s the truest, intuitive tool you have.  You don’t have to mirror what all else is doing.  You’re here to live, be and emit unique.  Only then are you living your path as the piece of life’s jigsaw you really are.  Claim your uniqueness as a processer and maker.  The joy of this era is that anyone can.  Don’t limit self, Source or life.  Breathe and move into “I don’t know” to know more.  The universe is real.  It communicates when we give It the room to.  Help to grow space for It to do, be, offer as It now can.  These statements are ways in which you might help yourself reboot this month in all the ways you sense you can.

What about your chart?

We each have a specific numerological profile that stems from our date of birth, full birth name and last birthday.  I’ve outlined the collective rhythms for this month but have not talked about your personal chart.  Readings that merge numbers with intuitive downloads can help you transition through all sorts of things.  They’re all about soul – living as and channelling it more – and what can occur when we do this. 

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Read about last month or earlier in The Archives;

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Click here to watch Fran’s Monthly Update for “April 2024” on youtube.  It supplements the Monthly Observations and, hopefully, helps you.  This month, Fran looks at master numbers and the level of “1”s vs “2”s in a chart.  These last two months have seen that ratio high which can see people feeling less included, valued or supported.  Fran then outlines how challenge can see self not fully releasing all it thinks and feels.  How we share with Source influences how we open up for healing and newness.

Come back 15 May and the days just after to watch Fran’s halfway Update for next month.

to help the world best, focus first on you spiritually

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